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Shade. Blend. Define.
This ultimate Eye Brush precisely places eyeshadow, blending like a pro. This is the brush to help you style every gorgeous eye look you can imagine, from natural to smoky. The small curved brush head with a slight fan of soft, synthetic bristles – the best type for depositing lots of pigment – has the right density to brilliantly apply eyeshadow just where you want, and the right amount of softness so when you’re working with several colors you can achieve the perfect blend. Plus, it expertly applies concealer, wherever you need a little vanishing power. [description_end]
Use the Eye Brush to precisely place and build up shadow around the eyes by gently pressing onto the skin, then softly sweeping over eyelids. Great for when applying different colors, but have them seamlessly blend. If you’re a smoky eye fan, this brush will help effortlessly create the look as you can easily add color over lids, deepen colors in the eyelid crease, and blur colors under the eye. [use_end]
I designed the Eye Brush to be the multitasker! So you’ll find it easy to use and place eyeshadow, not just to softly sweep over lids, but to get into the creases too. Plus it’s the dream brush to use when applying concealer in the under eye area or anywhere on the face. It allows you to apply a light layer that looks natural and well blended, as if there’s no product there! Discover a little brush magic that will bring results you’ll love.
Skin is an ever changing canvas, my Perfectionist Concealer helps with those days when you wake to dark circles under your eyes or unwelcome blemishes. My Eye Brush will help you mix and seamlessly apply this concealer just where you need it most.
Whether you’re going for a subtle everyday eye look or something more glam, the Eye Brush is the one brush you need for experimenting with eyeshadow and creating different looks. Sweep one color over the entire lid or precisely place and blend a variety of colors, this brush does it all! [tips_end]